Monday, March 30, 2015

Beware Dear Reader!


As I promised earlier, today I am ready to give you goosebumps. I'll make sure to run a chill down your spine.

Don't be scared of the ghosts, just look for them. Look to your left, to your right, under your bed, behind your dresser, in your closet; but never look up for he hates being seen.

The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock at the door.

You think that's not spooky enough?

Read these lines said by a father-
"I begin tucking him into bed and he tells me,"Daddy, check for monsters under my bed." I look underneath for his amusement and see him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me, quivering and whispering, "Daddy, there's somebody on my bed."

Imagine a man working the night shift alone. There is a face in the cellar staring at the security camera.

My cat's eyes always seemed to be fixated on me. Until one day, when I realized that she was always looking just behind me.

Another man ordered a few mannequins and they were delivered in bubble wrap. Horror struck him when he began to hear popping from the room where they were placed.

And just when you think it can't get any spookier, it does!

You get home, tired after a long day's work and ready for a relaxing night alone. You reach for the light switch but another hand is already there.

"I can't sleep", she whispered, crawling into bed with me. I woke up cold, clutching the dress she was buried in.


Enough chills, I guess!
So, ghosts. Ghosts have always remained one of the most discussed topics in literature and movies. Have you ever wondered why is it so? Do you think it is because they are believed to be scary? Or because they are not seen by everyone? That whether they exist or not is a mystery? Possibly.

Ghosts are earthbound spirits. They can exist in the form of smoke, blurred images or sounds. They are people who do not want to leave Earth. These aren't mere theories but facts which are well-proven by the scientists. Some other interesting facts about ghosts-

  • Ghosts aren't harmful. They can't/won't do any harm. They just want to be noticed. That is the reason why they haunt people. 
  • People who die in accidents or crimes without justice tend to appear as scary form of image.
  • Ghosts are cold. That is why if they are present in the room, the room feels cool.
  • They can see your future. Sometimes they want to tell you the same through your dreams.
  • They do not stay at their remains or cemetery. Usually they stay at the church. More ghosts are at the church than at a cemetery.
  • Ghosts have feelings but no sense.
  • Ghosts are either seen by a person who was close to them or by a person who was involved in causing their death.
  • They can't kill you but they can use you to kill yourself.
  • Spirits have only 12 nights to stay in their house after their death as a human being.
  • The ghost of a child below 1 year is considered as an angel.

If this wasn't enough, how about checking out the list of the spookiest places of the world? Here's a list of some websites which are guaranteed to give you even more goosebumps-

Personally, ghosts have always been my favourite topic of discussion. I am planning to write a short horror story soon and I'll surely share the same with you, right here. I hope you might have enjoyed this sneak peek into the 'other world'Allow me to sign off until I meet you next time with some really interesting facts about the magic number '7'. Bye!


  1. .It's really a nice work. Some stories sent a chill down my spine! Facts are good.

    1. Thank you for the compliment Malini. Keep sharing the blog. More stuff updated regularly! :D

  2. i fucking wont read this :P :D
