Friday, June 19, 2015

The Lost City

Greetings Dear Reader,

Thank you for keeping the patience while I was absent. I assure you that the blog will be updated regularly as before, starting from today.

The subject of this post dates back to as long as 2300 years from today. The story of the lost continent of Atlantis started in 355 B.C. when the Greek philosopher Plato had planned to write a trilogy discussing the nature of man, the creation of the world and the story of Atlantis. The trilogy was not completed. Only the first book was completed. The second book in the trilogy was abandoned and the third was never started.


Despite the clear origin of Atlantis in fiction in the first book written by Plato, many people over the centuries have claimed that there must be some truth behind the myths, and have speculated about the location of Atlantis. Countless experts have tried to locate the lost continent all around the world based on some set of facts which include the Atlantic Ocean, Antarctica, Bolivia, Turkey, Germany and the Caribbean. Yet, the lost kingdom was nowhere to be found.

However, Plato was sure about its location. In his book, he writes: "For the ocean there was at that time navigable; for in front of the mouth which you Greeks call, as you say, 'the pillars of Heracles', there lay an island which was larger than Libya and Asia together." This indicates that Atlantis lies in the Atlantic Ocean beyond 'the pillars of Hercules', that is the Strait of Gibraltar, at the mouth of the Mediterranean. Yet it has never been found anywhere near the places that fit the description.

The story in the first book 'Timaeus' reveals that Atlantis was established by Poseidon, the God of the Sea, who fathered five sets of twins on that island. The elder one of the first set of twins, Atlas, had the continent surrounding the ocean named after him. Eventually, Poseidon divided the land into ten parts, each one to be ruled by a son.


Legend has it that the capital city of Atlantis was an architectural marvel. There were palaces, harbors, temples and docks. The capital city was built on a hill and was surrounded by rings of water. At the very center was a hill, atop which was a temple dedicated to Poseidon which hosted a gold statue of the God of the Sea showing him driving six winged horses. On the outskirts of the city there were huge fields where farmers grew the city's food. Plato also gave details of the amazing buildings of Atlantis which were complete with hot and cold fountains and shared dining halls and stone walls covered with precious metals.

An imagination of how Atlantis might have looked like

About 9000 years before the time of Plato, after the people of Atlantis started becoming corrupt and greedy and became victim to mortal desires and sins, the Gods decided to destroy them. A violent earthquake shook the land. Giant waves rolled over the shores of the Atlantic ocean and the island sank into the sea, and was never to be seen again. It is evident that many floods took place 9000 years ago prior to the recording of the story. But this one in particular sealed the fate of the perfect civilization.

The underwater ruins which are believed to belong to the Atlantis

The legend of Atlantis has been kept alive by public's imagination with the idea of a hidden kingdom. In reality, 'the lost kingdom' was never lost, it was always there and still is, where it always was, in Plato's books.

For further interesting videos describing the various mysteries and documentaries on Atlantis, visit this channel on YouTube.

That brings us to the end of this post. I hope that you enjoyed reading this piece of information. In the next post, I shall bring to you a shocking and mind-boggling murder mystery of the Hinterkaifeck farmstead. Till then, keep sharing your views and suggestions in the comments. Bye!

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